
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Don't get the theater Blues. Go to Redbox!

Guys, Gals, we all love movies. When that guy picks you up, asks where you want to go, you say you don't care because you know he has a place he wants to go already. He says he feels like going to the movies. Such and so movie is out and he really wants to see it. Ladies, you also know of this film and it sounds like a fun night so you say yes. Turns out, it sucked. Granted the actor was hot, but the movie sucked. This is exactly what happened to millions of people last year when Thor first hit theaters. Even with that, it still did well at the box office, partially because word didn't get out in time and millions of expectant movie goers had to pay twenty dollars to frown. Now, we are expected to believe that the sequel will be better? Nice try Hollywood. We the population are not fooled. 

I encourage all of you who wish to argue you with me to look at the odds of the sequel being better than the original in past years. Exactly. I can only recall The Dark Knight and all the way back to Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back, which is very disputable. This, plus the fact that those movies all had GREAT predecessors, leads me to believe that Thor 2 will crash and burn conceptually. Granted, the actors picked for the film were high class and solid A-list stars. Unfortunately it did little to help the story line.  

You might be asking why I am raving on this. Why do I care about Thor 2? Because i am here as a proponent of great movies...and redbox. Redbox was a revolutionary idea. Do you remember Blockbuster? Me neither. You know why? Because until Redbox, Blockbuster made you rent a two hour movie for a week. That is not a great value you for the biggest moving going market. College students don;t want to pay $7 to see a movie unless it is in theaters apart of the first group. On top of that, if the movie is not a guaranteed winner, the movie theater is a risk. And unless its skipping out on studying for finals, most college students don't risk much in the way of entertainment. Further more, Redbox gives you the chance to rent for only one day, which after tax, turns out to be about a $1.50. A deal? Yes. Perfect for The Crew? Double yes. 

Another benefit to Redbox is privacy. Ladies, if you want some quiet, romantic comedy time with your man, use Redbox. It will give you the privacy of your own home, as well as time for a little...alone time if desired. 

So, to recap, Redbox saves you from seeing a bad movie expensively, from being over charged for only two hours of entertainment, and it improves your relationship and provides quality alone time for couples. Three strikes Hollywood, you're out.

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