
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Don't get the theater Blues. Go to Redbox!

Guys, Gals, we all love movies. When that guy picks you up, asks where you want to go, you say you don't care because you know he has a place he wants to go already. He says he feels like going to the movies. Such and so movie is out and he really wants to see it. Ladies, you also know of this film and it sounds like a fun night so you say yes. Turns out, it sucked. Granted the actor was hot, but the movie sucked. This is exactly what happened to millions of people last year when Thor first hit theaters. Even with that, it still did well at the box office, partially because word didn't get out in time and millions of expectant movie goers had to pay twenty dollars to frown. Now, we are expected to believe that the sequel will be better? Nice try Hollywood. We the population are not fooled. 

Music, strength for the soul.

 Since the creation of it, music has been a messenger to our hearts. And with some styles of music that have emerged today, it is safe to say our adrenaline has increased as well. Undeniably, I have been criticized for my broad taste in music. So today, as I take a break from my excitement over sports, I believe it is time to take a look at some of my favorite musical influences. Some of them you may like. Others you may not. However, I hope at the end you may take a moment to listen to even a few tracks and expand your horizons.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Game 1 Excitement!

Right now, I sit at the best place to watch any game. I sit where you have a front seat to every major sports game one could ever want to witness. I am at Buffalo Wild Wings. The game is only minutes away from starting and the excitement is palpable. Eli manning and the defending champion New York Giants face off against the pride of Texas, the Dallas Cowboys. Queen Latifah preformed the National Anthem church choir style and nailed it, if I may add. Now, if you don't love football, quite frankly this post will mean nothing to you. However, if football is like the blood coursing through your veins and you can't live without it, then know that much of America stands waiting with you for this first kickoff. As of right now, I have received my wings and I must go. Fellow Crew members, the game has begun.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Crazy Into Crazy

I found myself running through YouTube videos today. And since it is less than a week from the start of football season, i decided to look up some old football commercials.

Why You Should ALWAYS Draft a QB In The First Round of your Fantasy Football Draft.

You probably clicked on this link not knowing what this blog was about, didn't you? Sorry, sarcasm is not one of my strong suits. However, what is one of my strong suits is Fantasy Football. 

Great Moments Are Born From Great Opportunity...

I wasn't ready. I was not ready for the flags, bumper stickers, and drive by college students yelling at the top of their lungs "GO HOGS!" As a football fan, I am ashamed to say I forgot what it feels like for your team to take the field. It has been a year now since I have seen my own team, the Kansas City Chiefs, face any opponent in a real regular season game. As I noticed the enthusiasm in my fellow sports fans, I took a moment to take in the surroundings.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fantasy Football: The Game that Changed the Game.

Years back, during the dog days of football, where running the ball and great defense were the only avenues of success, the NFL was simpler. Your average sports fan would go to the game, find a bar, or have a party in their home to feast their eyes on the Colosseum. Legends would battle. Trophies would be won. A fan's team was the only thing that effected the win and loss column in the minds of football fans. Today, this is not the case.