
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fantasy Football: The Game that Changed the Game.

Years back, during the dog days of football, where running the ball and great defense were the only avenues of success, the NFL was simpler. Your average sports fan would go to the game, find a bar, or have a party in their home to feast their eyes on the Colosseum. Legends would battle. Trophies would be won. A fan's team was the only thing that effected the win and loss column in the minds of football fans. Today, this is not the case.

Intro: Intro

A buddy of mine, Jeffrey Essary has created a blog. I encourage you to get pumped and keep updated on all of his rants and insights this semester!

Intro: Intro: Hi, my name is Jeffrey Essary I'm a senior, and a broadcasting(radio, tv, web, as its called now) major at JBU and this is my intro post for...

COM1163-Communication Technology: What is the URL of your personal class blog?

Here are the list of blogs that you will need to read to keep your life up to date this semester. Check 'em!
COM1163-Communication Technology: What is the URL of your personal class blog?: Post the address in the comments below so your classmates can follow you!

Steven Hamilton- Comm Tech: Hello world!My name is Steve. I am a freshman at...

Check out Steve's Blog! I am excited to see what he has in store for the blogosphere!
Steven Hamilton- Comm Tech: Hello world!

My name is Steve. I am a freshman at...
: Hello world! My name is Steve. I am a freshman at JBU this year, and excited to be so! As to my education, I managed to nab a high school ...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


If you are reading this, then you are apart of high class, hard hitting, powerful new force in the blogosphere. You and I are going to gain prestige and fame, as well as fans and advid followers through the discussion and discovery of all that is important to know in our everyday world. Ladies, Gentlemen, Scholars, Athletes, Patriots, Atheists, Christians, Dudes, and Dudettes, I bid you welcome to The Crew.